Sunday, September 16, 2012

Come What May...

How powerful the struggles can take your mind out of nowhere??

Do you already experienced the swingin' of your mood because you're so depressed because of the outcome that's happening into your life?

Have you fallen out of love? Break up? Or just lost interest to love anymore?

There are too many factors that breaks up our heart, especially when we're hurt too much in our past.

The battle between mind and heart usually creates a huge war. It's so hard to decide.

People around you will also judge you for whatever your clinging to. Life here on earth cannot be perfect, my Dear!!

Remember that there were too many eyes that surround us. And their best weapon is their tongue.

So I realize, that you don't need to give all of your efforts to them. Give some time also to yourself. be patient, go with the flow, come what may, and don't too much expect. Remember that we have also our own lives to fix everyday.

One love, One heart..

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