Saturday, December 1, 2012

Forgetting YOU.

Escaping memories of the past will not give
That they will not haunt you in the future..
Because wherever we go the love we used to
Will always be in our hearts and minds
I tried my best to escape love from you
But all roads lead me back to you
When I remember all the times we were together
I can’t help but cry
Because I know those things will not happen
I don’t know what have I done wrong

I did my best..
I gave my all..
I sacrificed a lot..
I went through hell..
But you were never satisfied.
Eventually you left me

I begged you to comeback
But you don ’t even look at me
All memories came back as if they are real
But reality tells me ours is over
Although you don’t love me anymore
Knowing you loved me even once..
Is enough for me to still continue my life..

Our memories together that gives me PAIN and
They were the only things I believed keeping me

The pain stopped..
And also love cracked..
But it will be in my heart forever
I know you’re happy now..
It turned out to be the same way for me..
I’ve forgotten you too..

Someone who made me feel important
And someone who made me feel worthless..
Forgetting you wasn’t an easy process
But the experiences with you alone..
Had made the healing easier and faster ..

And now I’ve finally found the one..
Who loves me unconditionally
And never gonna hurt me..
It ’s good that at this moment
Pieces were picked and fixed..

I hope our paths won’t meet again,,
But remember you will always be a part of my
When somebody leaves the door open..
Soon, somebody will surely secure and close it..

My heart that you fooled..
My heart that you played..
My heart that you left..
All I can say is ..

Now I can stand next to you without wanting to
hold you..
I can talk to you without wanting to say “I still
love you..”
I can live without wanting to be with you..
I can dream without thinking that you’ll be a part
of my future..

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