Monday, October 15, 2012


Have you ever been in a situation wherein you wish that you can own someone?

Did you feel also that you have nothin' to do because you don't have the right to get all of her attention?

You're too much expecting that the things about you and her will get better and better in the future, but then you're still confused that maybe she is still not yet ready to be attached to another timeline again.

There are too many factors which distract us to move on to another stage. Our past always kill us and it let us suffer for some time in our present. Thus, delaying all of the answered signs in the future.

And it's hard to please someone especially when she doesn't want to. We cannot force them to always agree on what we want to. Even we discuss the whole encyclopedia of answers to them, but they were still attached to their past, I don't think that we just have need to expect something good. It will only create complications in our heads.

I know efforts were very hard to be fulfilled. Timing and patience should always be involved. But if you think that you've already done everything of your best part, but still its not worth it... then it's time to make a distance.

We cannot be as perfect as we always want. We cannot be the best if the timing is worst. It's hard to hold a candle if it melts on different sides.

Life is ironic and it's not always our birthday, it's not always our payday, and it's not always our fun-day.

We have to learn that everything happening to us have always a purpose. We should not contradict with the time. We cannot blame someone for our failure. We are the one who are making our own destiny. We're always liable for all of our decisions.

As the time goes, I wish I can continue to fight this battle of my hesitations within me. I hope I can learn from my previous mistakes, be the man to face all of the trials, be strong and courageous to face another series of life. I know it's not easy, but somehow, it will be fine.

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