Wednesday, July 4, 2012


” Whatever it is that you pray with faith, you will received”

Thank you Lord, for all the blessings you shower me whether it is big or small, my gratitude is overflowing.

Lord, you know what’s going on my mind and what’s my desires in my heart. I know you listen. You know what’s my feelings before I say it out to you. And I trust you. I offer you my life. I know your plans are greater than mine. Whatever it is that you planned for me, may I accept it with my whole heart and mind and soul. Thank you for the patience. I know in your perfect time, everything will be going well in my life. I claim it and I know you will give it to me.

Always teach me to be generous, to be humble and to be faithful.

I want to ask for forgiveness for everything that I’ve done wrong. I am not perfect. But thank you for giving me a strong conscience and wisdom. Continue to guide and bless me together my family and friends.


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