Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Make decisions, make mistakes, don’t be afraid.

Have you ever done a biggest decision in your life?

Have you ever worried of the outcome of your decisions?

What factors really give you tough time to make your final decision?

Are you ready to gamble?

These were the few questions that still hanging on my mind.

For the past, few weeks, I'm trying to avoid those stupidities and 
negativities in my mind.
I want to be free from all of the burdens of what I have ever done.

They say that if you gamble, you should learn how to accept to lose.
And still I have a mouth shut to keep for a days, to study all inside myself, my brain, and in my heart.

Sometimes, it's so confusing if the decision you have done is quite right or wrong. Am I hanging to a moon's gravity? Floating over a dead sea?

I really admit, I'm afraid to make mistakes again. Although, some of my friends had told me, I've entered this bat caves, then I should learned how to survive the struggles.

If I will stumbled, then I should learned to wake up, and walk with my feet again.

The track to a good path way is narrow, yet, a thousand of heavens is waiting at the finish line.

But I know, there were much better plans and ways that are awaiting ahead. I should not be in a hurry. Self control and patience will be my last armors.

Now, I have to cope that I should live the way I wanted it to be when I have made the decision. I have to accept now, that if the outcome will be not a success, then I have to go beyond on it. I should live with it. Be a man to face defeat even if it will hurt as much.

This is life, some good things or bad things may come. But hey! It's still not yet the end of the world, Baby!

We still have glorious and wonderful days and nights to celebrate with this life.

So Make Decisions, Make Mistakes, and Don't be Afraid. :))

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